Designed to transport you into a mindset of peace and relaxation, this piece contains the following gemstones:
*Aquamarine - Cleanses old energies, helps you communicate without fear of retribution, & provides closure
*Amazonite - Helps illuminate the truth, brings good luck, & dispels anxiety
*Green Adventurine - Uplifting & energizing, it helps with decisiveness & brings all body systems into harmony
*Hematite - A powerful grounding stone that absorbs negativity, assuages worry, & calms high blood pressure
*Clear Quartz - Amplifies the energy of all crystals around it
*Lava Stone (white) - A grounding stone that can balance emotions & helps work through problems in a logical way
*Tridacna - The whitest stone in the world that comes from saltwater clams. It soothes frazzled nerves and helps to ease insomnia.